मास को-ऑपरेशन संस्था, पिछले 13 वर्षों से भारत के 28 राज्यों में कार्य कर रही है अब तक लाखों से ज्यादा लोगों की विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में सहायता की हैं और लगभग 100 से ज्यादा कार्यकर्ता पूरे भारत में इसमें समाज सेवा में तल्लीन हैं,

मास को-ऑपरेशन संस्था मानवाधिकारों के हनन हो रहे प्रमुख मामले जैसे, महिला उत्पीड़न, दहेज प्रथा और दहेज हत्या, श्रमिक शोषण व बाल श्रम, सांप्रदायिक मत-भेद एवं सांप्रदायिक हिंसा, कैदियों का उत्पीड़न, गैर कानूनी कार्य को रोकना, पुलिस के कार्यों और कानूनी प्रक्रियाओं में विफलता, एफआईआर दर्ज नहीं करना, फर्जी मुठभेड़, ठेकेदारी मैं बेईमानी, बलात्कार, बिना सूचना नौकरी से निकाल देना, घूसखोरी, मजदूरी करा कर मेहनताना न देना, भुखमरी, मलिन बस्तियों में शिक्षा देना, प्रौढ़ शिक्षा देना, सिलाई कढ़ाई की ट्रेनिंग देना, छात्राओं को सेल्फ डिफेंस की ट्रेनिंग देकर आत्मनिर्भर बनाना, एक्सीडेंटल एवं मरीजो का इलाज करना, के अधीनस्थ आम लोगों को मौलिक अधिकार का हनन करना, मानवाधिकार का हनन है जो लोगों के साथ आमतौर पर लगातार होते आ रहे है



The aims and objectives for which the society is established, as under:-

i) To create a sense of brotherhood, co-operation, mutual harmony, love and affection amongst the residents of India as well as abroad.

ii) To engage such activities which are likely to be promoted and developed the spirit of self-reliance and social service.

iii) To redress the social and civic grievances of the members & community and help them in distress by taking up the matter with the authorities concerned.

iv) To help the weaker sections of the society including SC, ST. OBC. Minority, women, Handicap, deaf & dump etc..

v) To undertake various welfare schemes and activities for women, children, youth, Senior citizen, handicapped, and weaker sections of society including SC, ST, OBC, Minority, women etc..living in the urban, rural and other backward areas.

vi) To organize Health and Family welfare, HIV/AIDS/Leprosy/Thalassemia, RCH, MCH, NRHM, etc. Health Services/ Awareness campaigns and other allied health programme/services etc., Mass Education, Environment Improvement programme etc. for the welfare and development of Human being and as per need of the society.

vii) To educate people of their rights, duties in a democratic set up of the society and promote activities for the eradication of social evils.

viii) To work for Nationalism, Communal Harmony, Goodwill and National Integration.

ix) To try to help members and community during legal pretext or other emergencies as per the decision of the Executive Committee

x) To encourage co-operative spirits, equality and removal of untouchability.

xi) To take up effective but reasonable and lawful steps for eradication of social evils such as Dowry system and such kinds of social issues which are badly affecting our society including drug abuse. intoxicated drugs etc.

xii) To make adequate arrangements and help in the literacy level of the society in general and depressed, downtrodden, neglected and handicapped and mentally retarded people in particular. The establishment and setting up of specially oriented conventional, unconventional, technical and professional institutions ie. Medical and Engineering school and college level. It will also aspire to improve the adult education level through such institutions, as per guidelines of central or state government with due approvals from competent authority.

xiii) To set up occupational Training-cum-Research Centres and Institutional (medical & non-medical) services to look after, impart knowledge, training and skills and also provide rehabilitative service for aged, handicapped, orphan and all others, as per guidelines of central or state government with due approvals from competent authority

xiv) To hold seminars, symposia, exhibitions, camps, conferences etc independently or in collaboration with Government/s, non-government and International agencies for creating public opinion and awareness, service delivery and motivating people.

xv) To promote the useful knowledge and to impart moral, cultural and vocational training to underprivileged sections of the society from all strata without any discrimination of caste and creed. However SC/ST/OBC/Minority etc would be given due preferences as per need.

xvi) To provide and collect information and offer/accept consultancy and technical guidance to individuals and organizations for policy and planning for welfare of the community.

xvii) To grant scholarship, prizes, fellowships etc. to children, youth and weaker sections people in order to boost up the talents in all fields in all profession including sports.

xviii) To accept Gifts, Donations, Grants and Endowments from India and abroad for implementation and promotion of the aims and objectives of the society.

xix) To publish literature, reports, news letters, newspapers, audio, audio-video, films and video visuals etc., for diffusing useful knowledge, thoughts, ideas and information about India and other Foreign Countries as per guidelines of government/s with due approvals(if required).

xx) To promote, advance and encourage and give aid in helping the new coming singers and Dramatics. Also arrange and organize stage plays, dramas, magic shows, street play, puppet show and charity shows in aid of downtrodden people and others for creating awareness including promotion of such talents in form of the above said activities.

xxi) To organize for the welfare of Orphan children, widows and working women and old citizens through setting up of crèches, orphanages, widow homes, night shelters, old age homes, welfare centres for socially deprived women, working girls hostels and old age centres after obtaining necessary approvals from the competent authorities.

xxii) To encourage and assist young and talented sportsmen in the achievements of their sports activities in order to promote their constructive abilities which can be used to serve the nation and

opening of sports clubs, recreation clubs, sports institutes, college and training centres after obtaining neccesary approvals from the competent authorities (if required).

To undertake various activities that will arouse and develop the feelings of the utility and affection amongst the members of the Society and community at national and international level.

xxiv) To help people affected by natural calamities, during emergency, war, famine, earthquake, flood, fire etc and also undertake rehabilitation work for such people.

xxv) The main aim of the society shall be to help the weaker sections and the masses who really need the help with all our efforts and hardships all over the country.

xxvi) To help in protecting the environment and ecology from its disturbing forces and disseminate the information on environment. It will also be the endeavour of the society to encourage, plan and execute for social forestry and tree plantation and open nursery and also promote scientific method of agriculture, plantation of medicinal/ayurvedic plants, bio-tech based agriculture, fishery, poultry, burmese compost, cow dung based power plant/s and Forestry etc.

xxvii) To educate and impart training to men and women for the betterment of their financial position through small scale industries and/or any other sources available for self sustainance/reliance.

xxviii) To enter into agreements to employ Experts, necessary personnel and staff and to take suggestions from the Experts necessary for the conducting activities of the society.

xxix) To secure registration of the society in any other country, state, place within or outside the Indian Union as per need of the society.

xxx) To organize sport, Literature, Quiz, Debate, tournaments etc and any other such activities of all levels to raise funds for the society besides promoting talents in these fields.

xxxi) To undertake tours in India and abroad for collecting up-to-date information and other necessary requirements of Social, Educational and Medical etc as per needs of the citizen.

xxxii) To arrange, establish, maintain and run Creches, Nursery/ Primary/Middle. Secondary and Senior Secondary schools, colleges and other education institutions, polytechnic Vocational Institutes within India or any other States/Country for the purpose of teachings in the schools/College/Universities, Arts, Science, Commerce,

Engineering, Law, Medical, Ayurvedic, Unani and other studies after obtaining due approvals from competent authority,

xxxiii) To open and run Libraries for all Classes in various State, within India and International level after due approvals from the Competent Authority.

xxxiv) To acquire and or by purchase, take on lease, hire or by gift and hold any movable or immovable properties or any right or privilege that may be deemed necessary or useful for the advancement of the objects of the society and also construct building/s. club/Library/Farm/Farm Houses/Ponds and develop Gardens ete…

xxxv) The organization will work to protect the basic and fundamental rights, culture and heritage of Indian as well as foreign countries and will organise such activities which will promote rich cultural heritages of this world in order to promote global brotherhood.

xxxvi) To provide social service training, legal aid and awareness centres and to rehabilitate and/or assist the deaf and dumb, handicapped and crippled and/or otherwise blood donation camps in association with Red Cross, Rajiv Gandhi Foundation, Jawahar Lal Nehru Trust, Bharat Scouts and Guide, Gandhi Peace Foundation, Indian Army, Indian Air Force, Indian Navy, Army Welfare Organisation, Defence services wives welfare Associations and any other such agencies, institutes, organisation hospital etc. including health camp, blood donation camps, eye donation camps and any social work etc or in co-ordination with any other agency/ies as per need of the society.

xxxvii) To organize health protection scheme for the relief from Cancer, AIDS, and other disease and to establish charitable diagnostic centres and/or hospitals or any health unit’s to achieve sound health as per requirements of the World Health Organization and to implement the Malaria and mosquito eradication and garbage and/or pollution removal projects and plastic collection for ecological balance, with due necessary approval from competent authority.

xxxviii) To celebrate the Indian holy festivals; to encourage the reading of holy scriptures; to attend the sermons of the pious saints and to follow their teachings.

xxxix) To attend Sabhas or Satsang to teach theological sermons to create peace in and a feeling of brotherhood among masses.

XL) To run a Vyayam Shala to encourage yogic and physical exercises for the promotion and upliftment of physical and mental growth of Indian people, as well as of aliens and also organise and

promote Yoga and Indian systems of Medicines such as AYUSH.

XLI) To promote activities, secure/ acquire aid, finance, organize and assist in the improvement of the productive capacity of degraded lands through suitable conservation, reclamation and cultural practices including tree cropping, fish farming, Poultry, irrigation, Goshalas and other technologies amongst weaker sections to bring about ecological stability and cultural development on no-profit no-loss basis.

XLII) The society will constitute various committees for the achievement of different purposes/objectives of the society. The number of members of those committees and office bearers and their tenure will determine and decided at the time of the foundation.

XLIII) To make efforts for the solution of genuine problems of the local residents with the help and cooperation of the concerned Government Authorities such as Civic Societies, Civic Body/ies Municipal Corporations/ Nagar Palika/ Nagar Palika Parishad/Town Area/ Municipalities, Electricity Boards, Electricity Departments, Water Supply Departments/ Body/ies, Various Cities Development Authorities, Transport Authorities and such other departments and to solve them specially such as Roads, Sanitation, Water, Electricity transportation, hospitals, dispensaries, schools, college, play grounds, libraries, reading rooms etc.

XLIV) To plan & organise various Consumer Affair Programmes in order to create consumer awareness as per guidelines of Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Govt. of India besides other state governments and union territories.

XLV) To plan & organise various Railway related Programmes in order to create Railways awareness as per guidelines of Ministry of Railways, Govt. of India besides other state governments and union territories.

XLVI) To plan & organise various Sports Affair Programmes in order to create Sports and games awareness as per guidelines of Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs, Govt. of India besides other state governments and union territories.

XLVII) To plan & organise various Agriculture Affair Programmes in order to create Agriculture awareness as per guidelines of Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India besides other state governments and union territories.

XLVIII) To plan & organise various Environment and Forest Affair Programmes in order to create awareness in related field as per guidelines of Ministry of Environment and Forest, Govt. of India besides other state governments and union territories.

XLIX) To plan & organise various programmes on Law and Justice in order to create general awareness as per guidelines of Ministry of Law and Justice, Govt. of India besides other state governments and union territories.

L) To plan & organise various programmes on Food Processing and allied industries in order to create general awareness as per guidelines of Ministry of Food Processing, Govt. of India besides other state governments and union territories.

LI) To plan & organise various programmes on Human Resource Development in order to create general awareness as per guidelines of Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India besides other state governments and union territories.

LII) To plan & organise various programmes on Handicraft, handloom, Textile and allied trade in order to create general awareness as per guidelines of Ministry of Textile, Govt. of India besides other state governments and union territories.

LIII) To plan & organise various programmes on Social welfare, Women and Child Development in order to create general awareness as per guidelines of Ministry of Women and Child Welfare, Govt. of India besides other state governments and union territories.

LIV) To plan & organise various programmes on Minority affairs in order to create general awareness as per guidelines of Minority Commission, Govt. of India besides other state governments and union territories.

LV) To plan & organise various programmes on Labour & Training in order to create general awareness as per guidelines of Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India besides other state governments and union territories.

LVI) To plan & organise various programmes on Telecommunication, Communication, IT and other allied fields in order to create general awareness as per guidelines of Ministry of Communication & IT, Govt. of India besides other state governments and union territories.

LVII) To plan & organise various programmes on HIV/AIDS etc and other allied fields in order to create general awareness as per guidelines of National AIDS Control Organisation/Ministry of Health, Govt. of India other State other state governments and union territories.

LXIII) To plan & organise various programmes on Inland & Surface Transport Development and other allied fields in order to create general awareness as per guidelines of Ministry of Inland and Surface Transport, Govt. of India besides other state governments and union territories.

LXIV) To plan & organise various programmes on Rural Development and other allied fields in order to create general awareness as per guidelines of Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India besides other state governments and union territories.

LXV) To plan & organise various programmes on Rural Development and other allied fields in order to create general awareness as per guidelines of Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of Indian besides other state governments and union territories.

1.XVI) To plan & organise various programmes on Telecommunication, Communication, IT and other allied fields in order to create general awareness as per guidelines of Ministry of Communication & IT, Govt. of India besides other state governments and union territories

LXVII) To Promote, plan, implement & organise various programmes on Wind, Solar and non-conventional method of power generation as per guidelines of Govt of India and various other state governments and union territories and also other allied fields in order to create general awareness as per guidelines of Ministry/ Departments/ autonomous bodies/ public-private sectors/ Govt. of India/National/International agencies besides other state governments and union territories.

LXVIII) To plan & organise various programmes on Telecommunication, Communication, IT and other allied fields in order to create general awareness as per guidelines of Ministry of Communication & 1 T, Govt. of India besides other state governments and union territories.

LXIX) To do or to take all such measures as may be deemed fit and expedient to carry out the above mentioned objects. “All the incomes, earnings, moveable or immoveable properties of the Society shall be utilized and applied towards the promotion of the aims and objectives only as set forth in the Memorandum of Association and no profit on theirof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by virtue of dividend, bonus, profits or in any manner whatsoever to the present or past members of the Society or to any person claiming through anyone or more of the present or the past members. No members of the Society shall have any personal claim on any moveable or immoveable properties of the Society or make any profits, whatsoever, by virtue of this membership.